
Check our PBX, CC and WhatsApp Pricing

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WhatsApp Pricing

Free ( Demo Account )

  • Integrate your Business WhatsApp
  • Send Bulk WhatsApp Messages
  • Create WhatsApp Templates
  • Send Photo,Video using Templates
  • Send Replies Button
  • Create Contact List
  • Select List of Contacts
  • Schedule Campaign
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WhatsApp Integrate

£19.99 / Monthly
£40.99 / Annually
  • Integrate your Business WhatsApp
  • Send Bulk WhatsApp Messages
  • Create WhatsApp Templates
  • Send Photo,Video using Templates
  • Send Replies Button
  • Create Contact List
  • Select List of Contacts
  • Schedule a Campaign
  • Send/Receive Business WhatsApp Messages
  • Create Send WhatsApp Tempaltes
  • Receive Responses and Create New Actions
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